Burden of Stones Read online

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  “Like my head is full of cotton!” he snapped. “How am I supposed to catch Kiathan…”

  “It should wear off quickly,” Tarsus informed him, attracted by his shouts. “It was just a little something to take the edge off. That’s some pretty armor you have there,” he grinned.

  "Ah hell, give me a hug you sneaky bastard," Jack sighed, swallowing his anger and wrapping his arms around the Amarian. "Things have been really boring without you around."

  "Boring?" Tarsus laughed. "This is what you call boring?" he asked, sweeping his arm to take in the chaos of horsemen and soldiers crowding the street.

  "Just another day at the office," Jack replied, stepping back to examine his friend. Tarsus hair was grayer than he remembered and he looked more, seasoned, but the Amarian was obviously battle ready and eager for a fight. "Where the hell have you been? How did you escape? Where’s Maelcain? What happened to your eye?" He asked, firing off the questions in rapid succession.

  "A minor inconvenience," the Amarian replied, addressing his eye first. "I hardly notice it anymore. As for what happened to the giant? I promise tell you all about it later. Right now, if you are finished whining about your nap, we’ve a chase to get underway. Cassaban! Where are you man?" he bellowed.

  Borg soon appeared out of the throng, pouring over a sheet of parchment he carried.

  "What's the tally?" Tarsus asked.

  "Counting the last group of Immermen," Borg replied, running his finger down the page, "we stand at three hundred...seventy."

  "How many Raashani escaped?" Jack demanded, his head clearing as the effects of whatever the medic had given him dissipated. Kiathan had entered the city with five hundred of his guardsmen, but surely he had lost some to the swords of the Galekindar.

  "About thirty or so are dead inside the coliseum," Cassaban reported. "Another score wounded or captured. The rest, well, unfortunately they made it to the eastern gate before we could close it. Kiathan was with them."

  "Damn it!" Jack swore. "How long ago?"

  "Less than an hour ago," Kirk replied.

  “And hour?” Jack snarled. “Damn it to flaming…”

  "Take it easy Jack," Tarsus said calmly. "It will be no trouble tracking them. There are Galekindar and Ailfar are on their trail."

  "I'm not worried about tracking them. I know where they are going! They are headed to Dorshev! I'm worried about catching them before they get there! We're leaving now," ordered Jack. "We've enough to start the chase."

  "We're waiting on one more group arrive." Cassaban informed him.

  "We're leaving now!" he insisted.

  "Trust me, Jack. You'll want to wait on this one." Tarsus smiled knowingly.

  "No need to wait. Here they come now," Cassy said, pointing north up the street where the soldiers already gathered were parting to allow the arrival of more troops.

  At the head of a large group of mounted horsemen rode Theros and Cilidon, with Danael d'Lachaeland, Morgan Ellgereth and...a warrior in the white and gold armor of the Knights of the White Horse, surrounded by a small contingent of Horsemaidens. When the group stopped before them, the warrior removed her helm and shook loose long auburn hair. All thoughts of Kiathan, and chases, of dark-King’s and battles, vanished from Jack Braedan’s mind as the beautiful princess of Doridan slid gracefully from her saddle. She took a tentative step towards him, then dropped to one knee, saluting him with fist over heart and bowed head.

  Unmindful as all eyes turned to him, Jack covered the distance between quickly them and fell to his knees in front of the princess. Annawyn slowly lifted her head to look at him. There was a look of uncertainty in her eyes, as if she gazed upon someone she'd previously known suddenly revealed in a different light. “High Prince,” she said hesitantly.

  “High Prince?” Braedan asked quietly, his voice catching in his throat as a swell of emotions threated to overwhelm him. Jack had come to accept that destiny compelled him to take up an ancient, supernaturally forged sword to battle an evil demigod. It had transported him across worlds, driven him across seas, bound him in chains, set him before kings and thrust him into the very heart of darkness, to accomplish its will upon him. Yet it was not the acceptance of fate or obligation of duty that drove him. What sustained him through darkness and difficult trials, drove him relentlessly toward a cosmic showdown with evil, was a woman of auburn hair and emerald green eyes. A woman whom he barely knew, but whose smile, whose brief touch filled him with a completeness and strength beyond all rational explanation.

  “High Prince?” he asked again. “Anna, from the moment you stepped through my prison door, you have held my heart in your hands. Can…can you not think of another name to call me but High Prince?"

  His words dispelled any remaining doubt the man kneeling before her was the same man who had come to her in her dreams, was the man she held in her heart as well. Annawyn smiled and reached out with a trembling hand to caress his cheek. "Jack the Pirate, Duke of Thonbor or...or High Prince of Aralon, it doesn’t matter to me. You hold my heart as well. Would it...may I call you Beloved?"

  Completely unmindful of those who watched, soldiers, mercenaries and kings, Jack enfolded the Princess of Doridan in his arms. This time he wasn't an escaping pirate stealing a kiss from his rescuer. This time they weren’t in a dream. This time...when he pulled Anna close and kissed her...he did it right.

  "Begging your pardon Jack," Tarsus said casually, "but whenever you two are finished, we still have a traitor to catch."

  "Jack!" Anna said breathlessly, pulling away but still keeping her arms around his waist. "We cannot let Kiathan reach Dorshev! If he makes to the city and bars the gate..."

  "It will take a siege to get the bastard out," Duke Morgan finished.

  "A siege the Whesguard can ill afford," Cilidon remarked pointedly.

  "Then we ride now," Jack nodded, reluctantly releasing Annawyn. He stood and helped the princess to her feet. "Whatever we have will be enough."

  "What we have are two Highswords," Theros replied.

  "A company of Dragon Guard and Ailfar Rangers," King Cilidon added.

  "Two score Raashan Razorbacks," Malik Gamrin said, joining the group.

  "Eighty Galekindar," Tarsus grinned.

  "Plus, two hundred assorted swords," Cassaban counted.

  "You have my bow as well, High Prince," Lukas a'Maeridon, the Bowmaster of Aralon announced.

  "And my lance," Julian Brin said with his usual calm.

  "And two...

  "...Ailfar Spellweavers," Cilandrion and Ailan'drial said as one.

  "More than enough!" General Gamrin finished with a bloodthirsty grin, "Kiathan's head is as good as mine."

  "Anna," Jack said, taking her hand again, "Duke Morgan. It is your kingdom Kiathan means to usurp. If you will accept them, my sword and this entire company are yours to command."

  "Malik," the Duke of Dorshev said, turning to the mercenary commander. "The Ivory Throne is in peril. Will you lead this company for the House of Ellgereth?"

  "It'll be my pleasure, Morgan," the Razorback's general grinned. "We'll discuss our fee when time is less pressing. That is, if the High Prince will release us from his contract?”

  “You contract has been amended, Malik,” Jack replied. “Save Doridan and your fee is doubled.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Gamrin laughed. “Maadim! On me! Let’s get this rabble moving!”

  Chapter Two

  Another Kiss

  Barking out crisp orders to various captains and knights, General Gamrin began organizing a hasty order of march for the diverse company. Theros joined Cilidon as he moved off to confer with his twin sons, most likely planning on how to best use the two Spellweaver's unique talents. With the crowd now thinning, Daenel d'Lachaeland took the opportunity to approach the new Swordmaster and...the newly proclaimed Heir of Ljmarn Bra‘Adan.

  "High Prince," the Steward of Immer began, "I...I just wanted to...Forgive me, but Immer has waited seven hund
red years for another Bra‘Adan."

  "Daenel, I apologize for...all this," Jack said, waving his hand at the chaos boiling around them. "It's probably not how you envisioned a Bra‘Adan finally returning to Immer."

  "Not exactly," d'Lachaeland admitted, with a note of sadness. "High Prince, I know the road must take you from here will be a long one. I promise you, Immer will be ready to accept the High King properly when you return."

  "Thank you Daenel," Jack nodded. "Can you do me a one favor until then?"

  "Anything High Prince."

  "There are wounded Galekindar..."

  "They will be given the best care Immer can provide," the Steward assured him.

  "I need two favors actually,” Jack said sheepishly. “In all the...excitement, I left my shield on behind on the field. I don't know what I am supposed to do with the bloody thing. It was just part of a vision I had in Amar, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't need to be hanging over someone's mantel as a Haelfest souvenir."

  "I'll send someone to retrieve it at once my Lord," Daenel nodded. "It will also be waiting when you return."

  "May I suggest you send it to Dorshev when the situation permits, Master d'Lachaeland?" Annawyn said. "It may be just a...bloody thing...to him now, but the High Prince will likely have need of it before he returns to Immer."

  "As you say, Princess Annawyn," d'Lachaeland bowed. "With your permission, High Prince? The Raashani set fires to aid their escape..."

  "Go," Jack nodded. "See to your...see to our city."

  "As you command…Prince Bra ‘Adan," Daenel smiled. With a final bow, the Steward of Immer disappeared into the crowd of soldiers.

  "He seems a good sort," Tarsus remarked thoughtfully. "Though a bit...how can I put this...refined? I'm sure hanging out with us will loosen him up..."

  "Captain Tarsus," Annawyn admonished him sternly, "Daenel d'Lachaeland does not need any...loosening up. Not from you and certainly not from Jack."

  "Are you sure you want this Horsemaiden, Jack?" Tarsus grinned. "You know, some of the boys say Teala still talks about you."

  "Who is...Teala?" Annawyn asked coolly.

  Luckily, Jack was saved from explaining about the young Amarian girl when General Gamrin rejoined them to announce the company was sorted out and just about ready to ride.

  "With whom will you be traveling?" Malik asked.

  "With the Galekindar," Jack replied.

  "As will I," the Doridanian princess said, giving him a stern look. "We can discuss this...Teala as we ride. Captain Einnael."

  “My princess?” the golden haired Horsemaiden asked, striding forward. Braedan had not given Anna’s guard captain a moment’s thought since she’d delivered him that letter long ago. Once again he was struck by the fact that despite the jagged scar on her cheek and the hard look in her eyes, she was a striking woman.

  “We will ride with the High Prince and the Galekindar,” Anna announced as she took the reins of her mount and swung effortlessly into the saddle.

  “Yes, highness,” Captain Einnael nodded, giving Jack a dangerous glare. Did she know of her princess’ “relationship” with him? Did she know of his stolen kiss after his escape? Of their encounter in the land of dreams and of their brief moment together in the stables? She had obviously witnesses what had passed between them just now on the street. The look she gave him was certainly not one of approval and threatened violence if he took unwanted advantages with her princess.

  Jack ignored her for the moment and shot Tarsus his own murderous glare for mentioning Teala.

  "You said things had been boring?" the Amarian shrugged with a mischievous grin.

  "Eaudreuil!" Jack beamed, but the stallion was already at his side.

  "You were right Horse-brother," the Val'anna beamed as Jack mounted.

  "About what?"

  "Fire Mane smells...dangerous. She would never share you with another filly."

  "Fire Mane will never have to worry about sharing me," Jack said, guiding Eaudreuil to the princess' side.

  "Who is Fire Mane?" Annawyn asked.

  "Fire Mane is what Eaudreuil calls you," Jack smiled, reaching out to caress her auburn hair, earning him another hard look from Captain Einnael. Before she could ask how he could possibly know what the Val'anna called her, Jack gently pulled the princess to him, kissing her again. When their passion reached the point Jack either had to pull Anna onto his lap so he could really kiss her, or release her, modesty, and the fact four hundred people were watching them, prevailed.

  "Promise me all your kisses will be like that," Annawyn said quietly as she leaned against, "and I will give you Doridan."

  "Keep Doridan," Jack whispered, drinking in her scent. "Just promise me someday we can finish our kiss."

  "Someday Beloved," Annawyn smiled, pulling away to look at him with green eyes alight with desire. "Someday very soon."

  "Umm...High Prince? Princess?" General Gamrin smiled hesitantly, "I can take care of the Dog of Raashan if you two would like to uhmm... continue this discussion in private?"

  "That will not be necessary, general," Annawyn blushed, straightening in her saddle.

  "Maybe she could just ride in your lap?" Tarsus suggested, echoing Jack’s thought from moments ago. “I’m certain Eaudreuil could support you both.”

  If looks could kill, the Amarian would have been struck instantly dead by the Captain Einnael gave him.

  "Just trying to help," Tarsus grinned. "Either way, we need to get moving."

  "General, are we ready to ride?" Jack asked, changing the subject before the Horsemaiden captain decided to draw the sword at her hip she was caressing dangerously.

  "Ready when you are," Malik nodded.

  Although Braedan never wanted this moment to end, if they hoped to overtake Kiathan it was time to leave. He leaned over to the princess. "I love you Anna," he whispered. "If something should happen..."

  Annawyn stopped whatever he was about to say by placing a finger on his lips. "There is enough evil in the world without speaking it into being. I...I love you as well, Jack Braedan. My life and my heart are yours. Now, give me another kiss. A small one mind you," she warned, "and let's go save my father’s kingdom."

  "As you command my princess," Jack smiled.

  After an eternity it seemed, Annawyn pushed Jack away. The kiss had only been a small one when compared with his last. Captain Einnael glared at them both now, but the other Horsemaidens were trying to hide amused smiles. If he so much as smiled at her before the company was under way, the princess was seriously considering Tarsus suggestion that she ride in his lap. At least until they reached the first town with an inn. Or a barn with a hay loft. Or a field with soft grass...Anna blushed, shocked at her own brazen thoughts. She was the Princess of Doridan! Not some painted camp follower! She cast a furtive glance at Jack and...damn him...he smiled as if he could read her mind!

  "Let's go General Malik," she said, her facing turning crimson.

  "As you command princess," the grizzled veteran winked, barely able to hide his own smile.

  Men! They were all Pirates and Scoundrels!

  Though the company took a few minutes to actually start moving, Annawyn refused to look at Jack while they waited. She did reach out and take his hand, however, but thankfully, not before she had replaced her riding gloves. Just the touch of her skin would have been enough to drive Jack insane. He had never...desired a woman as strongly as he...ached for Anna. Kaiddra, he admitted guiltily, had been more of a comfort sought against a strange and confusing world, but Anna? Now that he had spoken the words, "I love you," to her face...Now that she had professed her love for him as well, it was as if his heart could not contain the passion their words had awakened. Annawyn squeezed his hand, as if in unconscious agreement, and Jack thought his heart would surely burst.

  Captain Einnael continued to glare at him, hoping it seemed, for one look from her princess that spoke of anything other than consent towards this brazen attention. Finally, the company be
gan to move forward and Annawyn was forced to release his hand. Perhaps thinking it was safe now, the princess turned to look at Braedan.

  Jack smiled back at the princess and gave her a wink.

  She blushed again and turned away. Maybe it wasn't safe yet after all?

  "Where's Cassy?" Jack said, looking around. He needed something, anything to take his mind off the taste of Annawyn's lips and to keep the Horsemaiden captain’s sword from his heart.

  "Shall I go find him?" Tarsus asked helpfully. He had been silent for the last few minutes. The last look the Horsemaiden captain had given plainly said he had gone as far as he dared with his playful banter. As far as the princess was concerned, anyway.

  "Send one of the Galekindar," Jack replied. "You're the King of Amar, not my errand boy."

  "I thought all kings were your errand boy after today...High Prince?" the Amarian dead paned.

  Jack looked at Tarsus with a raised eyebrow, then a smile slowly blossomed on his lips. "I forgot. Yeah, go fetch him for me. And see if you can find me something to drink as well. My throat is as dry as the March of Peril."

  "Probably from all..." Tarsus was a split second away from saying, "that kissing." then thought better of it. "all...the excitement," he finished.

  "Just send someone," Jack sighed, "But make sure he is a captain at least."

  "There's the smart ass I know and love," Tarsus grinned. "Captain Aemaen!"

  "Sire!" replied one of the Galekindar almost as huge as Tarsus.

  "Go find Captain Cassaban," Tarsus instructed him. "The High Prince needs his nose scratched."

  "Sire?" the man asked with a confused look.

  "Just go find him Aemaen," Tarsus sighed. "Has everyone lost their sense of humor over the winter?"

  "Jack," Annawyn said hesitantly, finally making sense of their conversation. "Did I hear you right?"

  “Which part?” he asked.

  "Tarsus Aernin, uncrowned King of Amar, at your service," the Amarian bowed, grasping her meaning even if his friend did not. "Jack and Dorad weren't the only royal pirates sailing on the Seawolf. Damn! I'm sorry Princess Anna. I wasn't thinking."